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20 years of the team behind the biggest events

The people. The events. The partnerships. These are what have cultivated NOSH into the powerhouse of quality hospitality personnel it is today. From our first staff member and humble beginnings in 1995 to today having employed over 23,500 staff, we cannot express how thankful we are to everyone who has contributed to our 20 years of success.

If you have attended an event in or around Sydney over the last 20 years, it is highly likely you have been served by the exceptional team from Sydney’s elite staffing supplier, NOSH Hospitality Personnel. A company that has been an integral part of the industry for two decades now, NOSH’s seamless work can be found behind the scenes at high profile, large, public, corporate, social, sporting or private estate events every week.

Established in 1995, Sydney’s NO­SH Hospitality Personnel, or NOSH, is one of Australia’s most enduring and reputable staffing agencies. M­ark Tallon and Ross Mitchell saw an opportunity to provide the hospitality industry with a premium quality staffing solution and have never looked back. 20 y­ears has seen incredible growth in both NOSH management and casual teams as well as in the industry itself, creating an increased demand for highly skilled quality staff.

From unpretentious beginnings of a handful of staff whose rosters were written in a book and who could only be contacted on their home or business landline, NOSH and over 23,500 NOSHies have come a long way to the intricate digital rostering system of today. NOSH Hospitality has witnessed firsthand the glitz, glamour, entertainment and sporting moments that Sydney has hosted over the last 20 years and they show no signs of slowing down.


We are celebrating the success in 20 years of hospitality excellence.

To commemorate and celebrate 20 years in this incredibly diverse industry, NOSH Hospitality is showcasing and providing exclusive insight to the people and partnerships that have been key to forging the enviable culture NOSH has today. The team at NOSH Hospitality Personnel have produced a series of visual experiences which are a tribute to the people, events and partnerships that have made NOSH Hospitality the thriving industry powerhouse it is.

The NOSH 20 Years Timeline is just one of the ways we wanted to share our gratitude to all the people who have been a part of this dynamic company over the last 20 years, and showcase not only our accomplishments but also our future endeavours.

With a number of filters available for not only the timeline but also categories, such as Cocktail Events, Sporting Events, and VIP events, NOSH 20 Years, and also the Sydney 2000 Olympics, the timeline is fully functioning to allow the user to view and be part of Nosh Hospitality’s last 20 years.


We are celebrating the quality partnerships and associations.

NOSH Hospitality has the extraordinary honour to work with over 270 high profile clients, many of whom still rely on NOSH today. Major event clients such as Allphones Arena, Sydney Cricket Ground, Delaware North and ANZ Stadium have been home to Sydney’s largest events including the 2000 Sydney Olympics which was a pivotal moment in NOSH’s history. One of NOSH’s first clients, Rockpool Catering was a true stepping stone into VIP, corporate & social events that NOSH has supplied in recent years, including the much talked about Lord Mayor’s New Year’s Eve Party at the Sydney Opera House.

Through diligent effective and efficient staff rostering, NOSH has formed many great long lasting relationships, chief amongst them is with the Sydney Olympic Stadium, or ANZ Stadium. Debbie Hogan, Manager of Event Staffing at ANZ Stadium states she is thrilled to have an opportunity to say thank you to NOSH Hospitality and the team for their service.

“Congratulations on your 20 years – it really is a significant milestone in this industry and you have achieved this by delivering outstanding customer service to your clients with integrity and aplomb,” Debbie said.

NOSH invites you to peruse some of the best moments we have been able to experience in events, including corporate, sporting, social events; the arts, New Years’ Eve, Sydney Festival, The Sydney Olympics; honouring dignitaries, world leaders, from the start with major clients such as Gardner Merchant and Rockpool. Founding director of NOSH Hospitality, Mark Tallon, comments that he is proud of the team for overcoming the varied challenges that have arisen over the years, all contributing to NOSH Hospitality maintaining the position as “Sydney’s supplier choice and employer of choice” for premium hospitality staff.

“NOSH Hospitality Personnel has seen an array of clients and events since Ross and I created this company in 1995,” Mark said. “As we hit 20 years in this incredibly diverse industry, it’s nice to look back and reflect about all the people who have made NOSH what it is today,” he added.

In an industry renowned for high turnover and business failure, celebrating 20 years of success is a significant milestone for NOSH Hospitality. It is a milestone that NOSH openly acknowledges would not have been possible without our great clients or the hard work and dedication of the many NOSHie team-members employed over the decades.


We are celebrating and valuing people.

Entrepreneur Richard Branson has been famously quoted saying, “Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” At NOSH Hospitality we believe that if we look after our team, our team will look after our clients and their customers.

We employ the best people in our business, so we can provide the best people for your business…

NOSH carefully recruits like-minded enthusiastic hospitality professionals who we ensure feel nurtured, valued, are trained to the highest standards. In doing so, we have been able to establish ourselves as the leading hospitality staffing solution in Sydney over the past 20 years.

The NOSH 20 Years Timeline is about making sure the people that have made NOSH a success are recognised, that they have helped to build NOSH in to the success it is today. Nosh Hospitality wants to profile and thank the people and organisations that have contributed to our ongoing success.

We look forward to the next 15,000 and more employees that will work for us in the next 20 years to come and further into the future. At NOSH we understand that our point of difference is our people and we are continuously looking for enthusiastic hospitality professionals to join our team. If you are interested in becoming a NOSHie or would like to know more about what working for NOSH is like, our new website is a great place to start!


We are celebrating brilliance in Events: Sydney 2000 Olympics.

NOSH has been a part of some of Australia’s largest and most exciting events, you’ll find our team every week in venues such as the Sydney Cricket Ground, Allphones Arena or ANZ Stadium, which serves up to 80,000 guests. An exciting moment in NOSH’s history and a true testament to the development of the business was the extraordinary staffing solutions NOSH presented at the Sydney 2000 Olympics across a number of venues.

As one of, if not the largest single event in Sydney’s 200 year history, the Sydney 2000 Olympics also ranks as one of most influential events in NOSH Hospitality’s history too. NOSH Hospitality would like to thank Sydney and Australia for the honour of being involved in such an amazing event with the world class platform it has, elevating NOSH to grow to where it is today.

Click here to view the Nosh 20 Years timeline.